Saturday 14 March 2009


Take That is playing on the High Fi and probably disturbing the neighbours as Ross has decided to put it up loud so the "bass" kicks in...don't worry as soon as he leaves the room, I'll creep the volume down again...My poor little baby must find the vibrations very strange!!

I've been in lots of pain and discomfort recently. In fact, the other day, I was hobbling around the house, wincing with pain as I move my legs because it feels like I'm trying to carry a bowling ball...umm using just the musles between my legs....are there muscles there??? No clue!! Rolling over in bed feels so uncomfy and wakes me up. No matter how many back rubs I got or how much Volterol was slathered into my sore aching bump muscles I felt PAIN!!

Nothing but rest and a hot bath would help. So I spent the whole of yesterday with my feet up - oh wait, that's a lie, I did spend a couple of hours stood up ironing....but I figured that if I was just standing, I'd be stretching muscles and using them without straining them by moving?? Does that make any sense? Hmm not sure.

I'm feeling much better today. Better enough to wake up nice and early, despite a late night! (Went out to the Harvester just before closing time!) I scrubbed the bathrooms, cleaned the skirting boards, put a wash on, dusted all the cobwebs away (just a figure of speech, I don't really have any cobwebs in my house!) and Ross has been doing the hoovering for me. He's out in the garden now, doing some strimming and mowing. It's fun to see him out there - it's a "dad" thing to do isn't it? Well, it certainly brings me back ot my childhood memories of watching dad in the's nice to think my baby boy will grow up in the same way!

I love Ross so much. He's been so incredibly patient with me during my mood swings, faint moments, panic attacks, sickness, nausea, weak days and over - excited days....he's been just as pregnant as I am. I love him dearly for his kindness and loyalty. Yet....his Car!!! He's sneaking out to the garage at every possible moment and says he'll only be "5 minutes", which of course turns into 2 hours and I'm having to play big bag pregnant wife person and nag him to come inside because tea is getting cold!!

I'm beginning to realise that Corey was doing me a massive favour keeping the Audi at his garage all this time. I didn't realise how obsessed Ross can be! Still...there are worse hobbies, and he's only trying to build the car before baby arrives....(or before his birthday so he can have a little ride out in it! :) I know your plot Burton!) I'll be so glad when it's all over. When the car is finally road worthy and he'll only be spending his spare time cleaning the car or taking me out in it!! I'm starting to feel like I'm being replaced by a heap of metal - granted a lovely, high performance heap of metal...but still! Was feeling a bit mopey and unloved when Ross came home at 9:45pm last night (!!!) but then he treated me to dinner and well, if you give a pregnant woman a nice plate of warm cooked food and tells you not to worry about washing up afterwards and THEN lets her have any chocolatey desert she wants....well she'll forgive an axe murderer! LOL.

Now it's Saturday. We're doing a spot of spring cleaning, played through our new game "LOST VIA DAMUS" PS3 game already (gosh it was intense!! Will need to talk to Mum and Dad and ask them what they see in this bizzare, scary and down right random Lost series...) I had nightmares from playing it the other night! Yes, been feeling a bit vulnerable and sensitive as of late...hormones eh? Got to love them.

We've now got pretty much EVERYTHING for baby now ! Finally!! We're so happy and now when people ask us "are you ready?" we can say that on the practical side...."YES". Baby, you are now allowed to make an appearence....but it would be REALLY nice if you could hold on until I am at least 36 weeks pregnant and please don't come any later than 40 weeks....that would be very mean on Mummy! SO, 55 days to go til D - Day! In two minds now....part of me would love to just get the labour over with and have baby here sooner rather than later...the other part would like to "hold" it off for a little while.

BUT as each day passes I'm feeling more and more confident and less "oh no, no, no". Aargh, just put my back out carrying the hoover upstairs...

I keep leaving this and doing other things. Now i've completely lost track of what I was going to type next....

Never mind, not much to report. Once this cleaning frenzy is over with, we've got the food shopping to do and THEN it's Snow boarding time....! Yeah!


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