Wednesday 30 June 2010

Flights are Booked, Driving lessons and Week 21

The flights are booked! We're flying with British Airways got bulk seats and Ryan will have a bassinette (suitable up to 2 years in the BA ones) So Ryan has run around room and a bed to sleep in. We also got a bit of a discount because one of the guys at Ross' work is a shareholder and get's some money off. It wasn't much but better than nothing!!!

SO, we fly out on 7th August at 5:30pm (UK time)
and return on 20th August at 4:25pm (USA time)

So that means we're in the states for 13 days!! Woo hoo! Not sure what we'll be doing yet - we were looking at spending a couple of days in SLC but looking pricey. Anyways it's all official and booked - now onto holiday shopping!!!

Well the driving lessons are - erm, interesting! I've had 4 hours of lessons now. The BSM guy on the phone said I'd have 2 lessons a week (2 hours) but my instructor is treating them like we are spending 2 hours on one lesson. I'm also supposed to be on an "intensive course" and after 4 hours I've not even left a car park!!! All I've been taught is the cock-pit drill, MSM, Clutch control and change into 2nd gear!!

Last lesson, we got told off by a big black security guard who said "you can't teach anyone to drive in a car park - and this is private property" - my Indian instructor played the "I don't understand your language card" for a second and then grumbled as he drove away we then spent 30 mins of him driving around trying to find another car park. We did and then spent most of the time waiting for people to walk past or cars to leave. It was so frustrating!!! He then patronised me like crazy about how hard it can be to change gear and how I'll probably stall or make the car jump - It was dead easy!! Didn't stall once and felt super natural!!! Even when I got this to a tee and was saying "okay what's next" my instructor said, "hmm well you are picking this up much quicker than average, but I want to stay in the carpark until our next lesson" I looked at the clock and saw we just moved into my second hour and said "oh good so we're going now are we?" and he said "No, no, next week I'll take you somewhere very quiet"

Ross is soooooo frustrated! £80 is spent already on just teaching me stuff that Ross has already gone through with me before in a car park!!!

So the question is - do you cut your losses now and go with someone else? Or keep with it for a while and potentially waste more money...

Feels like such a joke - and the foot pedals are sooooo high up! (Much higher up than the Golf) OH and I forgot the worst bit!!! We were learning in 27 degrees heat with NO air conditioning!!!!! I was dying!!!!!!!!!

Okay so onto pregnancy - I'm feeling like I'm at the "cute" stage. A nice little bump, feeling cute movements and kicks, not feeling nausea or anything. BUT I'm still absolutely exhausted, keep feeling faint and dizzy when I get up, and my appetite is still none-existant!! I mean, that's not totally a bad thing because I don't want to put on so much weight as I did with Ryan!! But he keeps me on my feet much of the time and I can't stop cleaning!!!

Oh well, got Jana and Terin coming over this weekend (a couple and their baby that Ross knew on his mission) on a last minute holiday to England, they wanted to stay over (Americans eh? Expect you to act like a hotel!!) Lucky we have a spare bedroom! So we got some 600 thread count Egyptian cotten bed linen, Goose feather and down duvet and pillows for us and then the spare bed has our Goose feather and down double that we got from our wedding.

Ryan is talking loads now - his vocabularly is: "Mummy," "Daddy," "Hello", "Yeah", "Ow," "Dog," "Good" and "Baby". Pretty good really! But he does like to babble in his baby language and copy whatever you say!! He's also decided that climbing onto the TV stand is the most fun thing to do in the world! lol.

Well that's all folks.

Laura x

1 comment:

  1. Laura you have me in hysterics learning in a car park??? get another instructor. Seriously tell BSM you want a different one and it will be no problem and make sure you tell them why. You'll be driving in a jiffy! My goodness not exactly intensive lol oh so funny though! Right got to go swimming last day at Aspen Grove! :) x
