Wednesday 28 July 2010

It's the FINAL Countdown!!

Okay so now that song is in my head - but loooook!! LOOOOOK!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
My baby ticker says "99 days to go" today we have crossed a MASSIVE milestone!! (Yes granted I went 10 days overdue last time but who cares? I could be early this time! )

I'm so excited to have this baby! I'm MORE excited about going to America but seeing that baby ticker just made me realise how close we're cutting it! Phew! I've been feeling braxton hicks for the past week or so which seems so much earlier than last time, but NHS direct say it's normal for a second, third, fourth baby etc etc. I'm not worried, it's just a mild inconvinience.

Ryan had his MMR jab last week and he was sick last night, up with a high temperature (37.5) and moaning and crying even in his sleep. Poor munchkin. I hate seeing him poorly but hopefully it means the vaccine is working and his body is busy making lots of antibodies! I read that they offer it from 13 months because that is around the time when the mother's immunity leaves the baby!! Oh this just made me cry!! No wonder people keep breastfeeding for years....I just want to wrap my little baby up in cotton wool and keep him protected from EVERYTHING!

Ah. Two little monkeys. I'm having TWO baby boys! I'm completely in love with the idea. I was getting all Ryan's old clothes and going "ooh awww cute!!!" it will be so surreal to see the new baby in Ryan' "old" baby grows (IT WAS ONLY YESTERDAY HE WAS A NEWBORN I SWEAR!)

We have an inspection of our house today - and they stated in their not-so-polite letter that they will inspect the propety between 9am and 3pm. I wasn't feeling too hot yesterday - totally lousy, lethargic, wanting to be sick and hating this "return of the nausea" had Ross call and cancel....and get this - they said "we'll let the inspecter know of the situation but as there are no more times we can carry it out he will be coming to see the property anyway..." [cue angry eye twitch] Grrr!

So last night consisted of hoovering, de-cluttering, cleaning, stacking, folding, washing, plumping pillows, frantically pulling hair out and the odd bit of growling. I was in a baaaaad mood. (Hey pregnancy hormones completely over-exaggerate EVERYTHING)

Then Ryan was up feeling so hot he was burning me to touch! Poor little mite. He's never poorly - I always comforted myself with the thought that he had Ross' manly immune system. Stupid MMR jab -oh how I hate you!!

Ooh massive change of subject - but I've read that "they" are in the process of creating a vaccine against the sickness bug!!!! [CEL-A-BRATE-GOOD-TIMES-COME-ON!] I think I will die from happiness when that happens...

Okay tummy is growling at me for food - and monkey needs some mummy cuddles. :)

Laura xx

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