Friday 6 August 2010

New York, New York !

Well tomorrow we fly to Newark airport (yay!) but my, my how things are more stressful when you're a parent!! Usually I would be bouncing up and down and already packed with the house gleaming and all ready to go!!

Now there are clean folded clothes in every room of the house! Suitcases are out but half empty, hallway is full of "stuff" that needs to be packed, kitchen is messy, carpets need hoovering, gardens are tatty, Ryan's toys are all over the one passport in the bedroom, one is in the lounge and the other is in the photocopier. lol. Still haven't printed off travel docs and I need to have a shower, wash my hair, go shopping for last minute bits and bobs, pick up drs note, drop of lizards in Gloucester - all the while sorting Ryan with food, nappies, clean clothes, keeping him alive etc etc....

Yikes!! lol.

So..what am I doing on the laptop in bed? Well it's not quite 9am for one thing and Ryan is still in bed. I'm seriously lacking in motivation but nothing a quick shower wont fix. :)

*sigh* Guess I better go. I buying the world's biggest chocolate bar while I'm out (need something to keep me going! lol)

Not long now!!!

Ps, 90 Days to Go!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Hello 3rd Trimester!

1 comment:

  1. Missing you all already! Hope it was a good flight back home. Relax and enjoy getting ready for baby- not long now!!!! :) Love you all xxxxx Big hugs to monkey and sea monkey :)
