Thursday 16 April 2009

It could be any day now...!

I had a different midwife this time. She was older, much more experienced. When she went to feel my bump she said, "hmm been feeling lots of braxton hicks at all?" and I said, "oh yes, quite a lot" and she nodded knowingly and said "you're having a strong one now..." and I was like "Oh really? I didn't know that!!" so I felt like a bit of a wally. lol.

Yes, baby's head is 100% engaged!! His back is lying next to my bump on the left side and he is in "optimal position for birth". YESSSS!!!

Midwife's words, "you could go into labour any day now, you're baby is ready and raring to's just down to you now." I'M SO EXCITED NOW!!

I have another appointment in two weeks but the midwife said "you'll probably have had the baby before your next appointment!" WOW WOW WOW.

And it was soooo cool to have her telling me what body part was what, she was like "here, press here, that's a foot....and there's his back and can't feel his head though, that's too far down in the pelvis...."

Oh baby, you're such a good, good boy!!! Daddy and I can NOT wait to meet you!!!

Watch this space folks. Baby boy Burton is at the starting line and it's just up to mummy to fire the gun! Roll on labour! Roll on!! :)

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