Wednesday 3 June 2009

Chubby Chubby Chubkins!!

The midwives wouldn't discharge me last week because Ryan hadn't made it back up to his birth weight. They were threatening me that if he hadn't made it back up by today, we'd have to top him up with formula and be tested again.

I was soo stressed about that! So all last night I was a mess. Totally unable to sleep but absolutely shattered at the same time! I was praying so hard that Ryan had made up the weight and we wouldn't have to go down the formula road. I just didn't want to mess with my milk supply.

Well, on Friday Ryan was 7lbs 15ounces and this morning he weighed in at a hefty 8lbs 9ounces! So not only has he got back to his birth weight - he's passed it!! Hurrah!! All those hourly feeds were paying off!!

I'm having a GREAT time breastfeeding now! I don't want to ever give up!! (well, obviously I will once teeth arrive. haha) It's wonderful. We are past that horrible beginning stage and it's all comfortable and Ryan knows what he's doing, I know what i'm doing and it's great! Just great!! The only downer is the constant need for feeding. Ryan will cluster feed all day and then come 2am he'll sleep right through til 6am. So that's good isn't it!? Well I certainly think so!

Anyways Ryan is asleep - I've done a few more pages for the scrap book and the house is clean and tidy. Now I need to sleeeeep!!! I was a wally yesterday and did waay too much. Poor Ross comes home and has to pick me up in pieces and put me back together again!

haha sometimes I have to remind myself that I am not superwoman!!


Oh and another note - THE AUDI HAS IT'S MOT!!!! Woo Hoo!!! *does a little victory dance* Now all we need to do is tax it and the CAR IS BACK ON THE ROAD!¬

On the downside - we've now got two cars to pay for and it looks like Ross is going to be out of a job soon. :(

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