Thursday 4 June 2009

He's on a roll!!

Okay so I put Ryan on the bed for 2 seconds while I dashed into the bathroom to put my lenses in - I heard him crying (as he usually does when I put him down) and called out to him to soothe him. Then a second later I hear that his crying is all muffled....panicked, I ran back into the bedroom to see Ryan on his tummy and his head buried in the mattress!!

The only plausible explanation is that my 16 day old son just rolled over!! He can't even lift his head yet....I have a feeling that this little boy is going to run before he learns to crawl!!

haha well I should be napping right I go..!



  1. WOAH! thats impressive Ryan -good luck Laura lol sounds like he'll be off before you know it. Ashlyn rolled from her tummy to her back at 6 weeks and we were amazed but it's even harder to go from back to tummy! We keep praying for you all with the job. x

  2. I know it's totally impossible to believe! I think gravity may have helped - he's been able to get onto his side for a few days now as he likes to sleep that way - and I had him led on a pillow on the bed (I'm paranoid about him getting flat head syndrome!) and so I reckon he rolled over to his side and gravity pulled him off the pillow onto the mattress...makes more sense anyway...still i never dreamed he'd manage it.
