Tuesday 13 January 2009

WOW it's amazing!! I have something to talk about other than BABY!

Today folks, I wish to talk about the mysteries and joys of January! Sounds facinating right?

Well, it came to my attention the other day, that as we continue to dwell in these dark wintery days - every little niggle, every little dark thought in our minds become highly intensified to the point where come 4pm when the lights are already on and the curtains closed...we reach depression!

Oh how ghastly January can be!!

Reasons why you should Hate January:

  1. It's cold and dark
  2. It's not Christmas anymore
  3. That early Christmas pay packet seem SO far away right now...
  4. Pay day....when is it? When is it?
  5. January sales mock you because you have no money to spend in them!
  6. It's cold and dark - all the time
  7. Everyone seems to go into "social hibernation"
  8. TV programmes have all ended and now it's rubbish on TV
  9. ALL the good movies have come out but even Cheap Night Tuesday is too expensive!
  10. Did I mention it's cold and dark??

Seriously! I mean, I have an extra little bonus: It was my birthday on Jan 3rd. How depressing is that?? Straight after New Year, I'm sure there's people out there still recovering from hang overs or sugar highs on the 3rd. People are glum EVERYWHERE because Oh, no, it's back to work! Not exactly the greatest time to be born eh? But hey, I'm not saying I'm not thankful. Without January 3rd I wouldn't have been born! (well, I guess I would have been born on the 2nd or the 4th instead, but it just wouldn't be the same...)

But as I think about it, and really ponder the topic, January doesn't have to be so bad!

Reasons why you should Love (okay, too much) LIKE January:

  1. New Year, New Start, Fresh leaf...all that jazz!
  2. You can now get excited about all those plans you've thought about doing this year
  3. Nothing can beat that "wow, it's all fresh and new, I can do ANYTHING" feeling!
  4. From now on, each day is beginning to get lighter and longer! Yay!
  5. We are just a month away from VALENTINES day! (oh yay!)
  6. January sales (if you have any Christmas money, now is the time to spend it)
  7. All the children seem to be bouncing off the walls with excitement as they tell anyone who wants to know, what Santa got them for Christmas!
  8. Kids go back to School! The Streets are clear!! YAY
  9. The worker's moral is low at work so you don't have to stress too much about doing much
  10. Um...New start? heh heh For the Sake of Old Lang Sine!

I guess it just depends on how you look at it. If you are more with the "I hate January" attitude, perhaps a change of perspective is in order!! (re read the 2nd list again and count to ten- breathe - very good!) Yes, with the dark, cold days extra effort is in order to actually get anything done, but if and when we DO achieve that which we want to - Oh, isn't it worth it!! What a great feeling!!

Let's raise our glasses (mugs, bottles or plastic cups) to this January and may it be a productive, inspiring and -dare I say it?- exciting month for all of us!!


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