Friday 5 March 2010

Hello Figure....Good Bye again....

So....since this blog is only viewable to 2 people - and both are family...I feel able to share my unexpected, totally scarey, mind-boggling news! I'm pregnant again!!

JUST as I was beginning to hold back a shudder as I look in the mirror these days and no longer burst into tears when I see a photo of myself....I'm going to lose all that hard pound-shifting work and get EVEN bigger than I was before. Selfishly, I feel really sad. It doesn't help when my visiting teacher (2 YSA girls) said "Well, I love being single, the way I look at it, is all those girls who marry young, end up fat with loads of kids!" the memory of this does bring tears to my eyes! But maybe that is just the hormones!!

Well....18 months between baby no.1 and baby I crazy? Probably. It'll be great in the long-term I'm sure, but I'm thinking I'll be saying good bye to my figure AND my sleep for a while....

Here's to the highs and lows of a pregnancy, ANOTHER birth and a Christmas with 2 Babies!!! AhhhhH!

I'm 6 weeks on Sunday and every time I cough I'm almost being sick. Come nightime I am a queezy, wheezy, lemon-squeezy wreck!!

*sigh* Pray for me. Please. xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. awww Laura I am SO happy for you!! I know short term- and honestly in the scheme of things it is short term- it is hard growing bigger and listening to all the stupid comments BUT and it's a big one, it is the most wonderful thing in the world and I am so jealous of you!!! I think it would kill me having a thrid right now lol but it is so wonderful having babies and a blessing to have them close together. You are going to be so young you could wait 8 or more years to start having more and still be really young!!! what options!!!! You will love siblings too to see them interact with one another is so beautiful, they have a real bond I love it. Spit at your visiting teachers or simply tell them not to come because honestly you don't need stupid comments like that. Reality is she isn't married, doesn't have any children and she could be very jealous. You are beautiful and Ryan is beautiful and baby number 2 will be too. and ross lol don't want to leave him out so who wants to be miserable and single anyway honestly! she just doesn't have a clue. Plus you will find as everyone else does that you always gain less weight with baby number 2 because you are running around with baby number 1. So don't worry. I am so excited for you and continue to pray for you!!!!! xxxx
