Monday 15 March 2010

Week 7

Clementines are now my favourite type of food...and kiwi fruit and grapes and strawberries....mmmmm! INFACT if I SMELL clementines the nausea is gone! Completely gone!! I'm even enjoying the smell of lemon and lime!! This new baby is making me enjoy food that I wouldn't ordinarily touch with a barge pole!! I'm loving all things fruitalicious!!

Foods I do NOT enjoy anymore:

MEAT - ugh
ANYTHING with grease!!

Foods I can't get enough of:

Fish cakes
Fish Fingers
Corn on the Cob
Exotic Fruit Juice

Yum yum yummy yum yum!!!!!

So, I'm feeling yucky, pukey and horribly heavey in the morning. For about a couple of hours I'm being sick, gagging, dry heaving...all that wonderful jazz. BUT. Come 11:30ish I am *touch wood* feeling pretty good. I have to fight that horrible sicky, heavy, gaggy feeling as I eat something and about 10 minutes after eating the nausea is gone.

This is what I'm talking about! It's rotten, but doable. I'm able to play with Ryan, change Ryan, look after Ryan. I think these Avomine tablets are really doing something and I'm only on one a day!! So this is what it's like to have "normal" morning sickness!!

There is hope for me yet!! I have started week 8 and hoping that I can continue with this! This pregnancy is far more different from the last!! I'm pretty sure it's because of several different factors:

1. Ross is home with me a lot more
2. Ryan - motivation to get out of bed
3. Forcing myself to eat, even if it's awfully horrible
4. Not being afraid of being sick
5. Keeping positive
6. Lots of prayer!
7. The tablets!

Today I actually feel human! I could cry!! :) I know that I didn't help myself last time, I got into such an awful, anxious cycle. The routine would go: Be sick - Cry - be sick - lay in bed all day/night refusing to eat or drink for fear of being sick - cry - be more sick - become dehydrated - sip little drinks - be sick.....when the sickness started to die down....I was making myself be sick in the mornings because I thought I would be sick and wanted to get it over with!! This was because I was all alone for 13 hours every day. I'm much stronger this time and much more mature about the situation. And so far, it's been going well! It could have gone just the same as last time, because I AM being sick in the morning - just like last time! BUT I'm not afraid to eat, and I've even found foods I'm enjoying!! So I'm very pleased.

Can't wait to stop using the tablets too because I have horrible side effects from them - lethargy, nightmares, hallucinations....etc so I've already cut the doseage in half and I'm feeling better than when I was on them! Typical!

Well, i've just got to figure out Primary, because I'm worst in the morning and actually being sick, so the lesson is out the window, but maybe I can keep going to sacrament meetings. :)

Well that's all my thoughts for now - oh dear, Ryan just whacked his head on the radiator. gotta dash!

Laura xxx

1 comment:

  1. awww yay! how brilliant! I am so pleased for you, we shall keep praying for you all. I can't wait to find out what you are having it seems so unreal!!!! but very real to you I'm sure :) hmm I'm craving clementines now, you know the non-pregnant type craving :)
