Tuesday 23 March 2010

Pre-Doctor's Appointment Jitters

My doctor's appointment is at 5:30pm today which is about 6hrs away now - It's going to be a looong day. It doesn't help that I had a nightmare last night which consisted of a doctor's appointment that resulted in me being sent to hospital for ketosis and malnutrition and then dieing because the hospital staff got the IVs wrong and overdosed me with something which had me die and I'm wondering around in the spirit world with my "daughter" and we're unsure about what to do, so we go to visit mum who is laying in bed with so much pain and an escort is with me and I turn to him and beg him to fix her and by a miracle mum feels no more pain and is healed...then she tells me to go back to my body - I said I wanted to stay because I didn't want the pain and sickness anymore, but mum told me to think about Ross and Ryan so I decided to go back but only if I didn't miscarry and could carry the baby full-term, my escort agreed so I went back to my body and then left hospital. Then I took Ryan and got on a plane to America to be with Gemma and she was upset because their house had "parasites" which looked like Armadillos and Nathan needed to go to work which was in Space and then Ryan rolled onto a baby and I freaked out and then called Ross who wanted a divorce because I went to America without telling him and then I woke up!

SO, as you can imagine, I am now REALLY nervous about the appointment. Not that I think my dream will happen - I actually know why a lot of the stuff happened in my dream. A few months ago I read THIS artical about SWINDON hospital!: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article7051474.ece and mum has leant me a few books about near death experiences and told me about an experience where a husband dies and sees his wife who is in bed really sick with hyperemesis and he asks his escort "does she have to have this?" and the sickness went away....Ross and I have been trying to find cheap flights to the states to no avail....the rest was random.

Anyway I'm sure it'll be fine but a part of me wants to go to hospital because I have resorted to crawling everywhere now and I really can't eat. I just want this to end now. I'm done. :(

Will update when I get back. xxx

1 comment:

  1. oh Laura I don't know whether to laugh or cry for you. It's so awful, that dream was so funny and also interesting do you think it's a girl?? and the armidillos I pinky promise not here. :) Remember to beg for ondansetron maybe you could say it runs in the family and your sister was given it in hospital and then by her NHS doctor which stopped her from having to be re-admitted. It costs more going into hospital you know. I shall be praying!!!! Good luck, remember ondansetron!
