Friday 10 September 2010

Scan Date, Nesting, Worrying....LIFE

Oh where to start!?!

I got my scan date through, it's going to be wednesday 15th at 11:15am. Then I'll have a doctor look at it and see if baby is growing properly. It will probably mean another scan for the following week to see how his growth is and if baby is not growing or there are issues with the placenta, cord or amniotic fluid they will give me steroid injections and get the baby out! This probably wont happen until I'm at least 34 weeks along but still seems so early for my precious bundle to come out into the big bad world. Plus it would mean him going in a little incubator, have a feeding tube and on a ventilator to help his breathing and staying in hospital until near his due date - or so the internet says!

Meanwhile I felt baby moving all the time this morning and now he's quiet - so I'm like a quivering wreck. He's probably sleeping, in fact poor boy is probably shattered from all the poking and prodding he gets whenever he goes quiet.

Ross is gun-ho about getting the house sorted -THIS WEEKEND - he's going to mow the gardens, de-clutter the rooms upstairs, put up the wardrobes, take out Ryan's old baby clothes for me to wash and sort through and make sure this house is ready, not just for the arrival of our new baby - but also for Carla and Gabor to move in....which will be - when?? No clue. Which is fine, we just need to be prepared because right now everything is up in the air and neither Ross and I can CONTROL when things are going to happen, all we can do is make sure WE ARE PREPARED!!

I knew I jinxed myself on Sunday, I was laughing with my Primary President who said "the Primary Presentation is October 17th, so whatever you do, don't have the baby early!" and I went "oh haha ha ha, don't worry this one is going to be late like Ryan was".

I'm keeping my mouth shut from now on.

And all I can think about now is how silly I am for only having 0-3month clothes and very few newborn clothes - never dreamed I might have to have preemie clothes in stock...

OH JOY!! Baby started to kick and wriggle again! THANK YOU!!!

It's going to be a loooooong wait til Wednesday. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Laura! Nathan's parents have been here so I haven't been able to read your blog I am so shocked. I hope and will continue to pray all will be right for baby Alex and you at least you know it isn't affecting his legs as he keeps kicking you still! Try your very best to "Keep calm" I know that is hard but I seriously believe I have actually caused damage to my body because of worry and stress this last year. Infact I see a specialist tommorrow about it and I don't like the sound of my prognosis. I am trying to take stress and looking after my body more seriously. Keep the faith and believe everything will work out. If you can't relax at all ask for a blessing too it always brings relief. Oh Laura you poor thing. Try not to worry about the home birth you are a long way off yet. If baby has to come at 34 weeks you wouldn't want a home birth anyway. Ok well I am sure it will all be ok we'll keep praying for you all. Just remember home birth or not, full-term or not, measuring big or small it really doesn't matter all that matters is that baby Alex arrives here safely xxxxxxx
